VAT Returns
VAT returns are in general made on a quarterly basis.
However, the VAT Commissioner may allow businesses to file monthly returns OR to demand monthly returns. Currently, the VAT Commissioner has asked a number of tax payers to submit monthly returns instead of quarterly.
Annual returns can be allowed for businesses with a VAT refund position but only upon prior approval of the VAT Commissioner.
The time limit for filing the VAT return is by the 10th day of the month next following the month in which the VAT return ends, (period of approximately 40 days)
Intrastat and EC Sales Lists
The Intrastat discloses details of movements of goods between Member States which take place for commercial reasons, recording the movement whenever goods enter the territory of Cyprus from other Member States or leave it to other Member States.
Declaration must be filed monthly once the annual threshold is exceeded.
Intrastat declarations can be submitted in paper format. The due date for submission is the 10th day of the month following the end of the relevant month. For example fo the month of January, declarations must be submitted the latest by 10th of February.
The date of recording of arrivals and dispatches of goods must be included in the Intrastat returns is the month of arrival or dispatch of the goods to/ from Cyprus.